Saturday, July 01, 2006

Let's get this party started.

OK, Here goes nothing, I am pissed off, I stay pissed off a lot. Why? Because the world is full of idiots. Self-centered, irresponsible, morons with a misguided sense of entitlement and a complete lack of common courtesy. How much forethought does it take to just stop for the briefest of moments to consider how your actions impact those around you and minimize the negative impacts of those actions from the beginning? How much, I ask...apparently way to frickin much. I am creating this blog to vent my frustrations, to be that unspoken rage we all feel when the idiot next to you on the airplane can't control his flatulence, or the chain smoker can't walk an extra 15 feet or so from the business entrance, forcing us to walk through their pollution. How about that dickweed that speeds up, cuts you off only to turn at the next driveway, and there was no one behind you? Who among us hasn't had to contend with a service person who walks temptingly near your table when you've run out of drink, but never makes eye contact? I am going to attempt to document those everyday occurences as they happen. Think of it as a support group for those of us people call Grumpy. Why is the onus always on us? Why is the perception that we are the one's with the problem, because we don't get all warm and fuzzy when people invade our personal space with their cellphone conversations, or talk obnoxiously loud during a movie? And so the saga begins.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grumpy, you are awesome!
you are so on the mark !

29 December, 2006 22:17  

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