Thursday, August 10, 2006

New Found Fame

I guess I'm getting my 15 minutes after mention by a local blog. Not sure I like it or not. First things first, I don't need no psychoanalysis by someone who's read Psychiatry for Dummies and think theyre an expert. I also am going to limit responses to people only wishing to stir up trouble. Funny, telling me to get a life and they got nothing better to do than throw stones at me. I started this blog for a couple of reasons, partly its a form of therapy in a way. It's a way to vent, sort of like writing a letter that you never send. Amazingly enough it works. I've talked to enough people in my day that I know many of the things that I mentioned here or feel irritated about bother quite a number of folks. So you holier-than-thou's can just bite me. Another minor hope for this is that maybe just one person who reads some of these entries might think a moment the next time they do something thoughtless or inconsiderate. That is probably way too much to hope, but hey, hope makes the world go round. A final reason for this blog is a bit of an experiment. I know a couple of folks that blog, and I got to wondering, it seems that people who read these blogs thrive on controversy, they almost need it like a drug. It's like Fox news, not a lot of readers participate in those blogs about Sally and her puppy, or the scratch Mom got on her SUV at the soccer game. But throw around entries on gentrification or around here Ronda Storms, and look at the folks line up to comment. I have to say on that note, it certainly has proved my hypothesis. For those of you who are speculating on the Seminole Heights blog about me, thank you for the laughs, it appears that I am not the only grumpy old man around here. As for being called self-centered. For the record, who I am is somethinng like this. I am the guy that holds the door when you don't say thank you, the one who lets you out in traffic when you don't even wave or nod or in any way acknowledge the favor I just did you. I am the man who lets you into line if you have fewer items even when you act like you are entitled to it instead of it being a nice gesture. The funny thing is, I do feel that it should be the norm, but it's not. Manners and a show of appreciation for these little things in life make the world a better place. I will admit I am a bit antisocial, but I and everyone else here live in a community, and we should all do our part to make it better. Just a bit of what used to be common decency and courtesy makes all of us a bit less grumpy.
As for the comment about the airline thingy, I've tried the whooping cough thing on Southwest, and it doesnt work anymore. Damn airlines are almost always oversold these days.
Thank you for your support.


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