Thursday, January 04, 2007

Shopping cart rodeo clowns

We've all been here: You pull into a parking lot, and there it is, a shaft of light from the heaven's above beaming down on that primo parking spot, right up near the front and bam! As you round that SUV you're thwarted by a shopping cart left right in the middle of the spot. Dagnabit!
The way I see it this here's a double-sided problem, in general people seem to be getting lazier, and with the cutbacks on personnel there are fewer and fewer folks to round up these free ranging carts. One of the worst places around is the Home Depot on Florida..that place is like the frontier days on the Great Plains, carts running loose all over the range. All it takes is a little effort to walk one of these domesticated beasts of burden over to the corral so at least they're not bumping into cars or taking up valuable real estate. Here's a suggestion, why don't they make a game out of it or at least entertaining? Hire one of them rodeo clowns for the parking lot, and if you round up one of these critters, he'll make you a balloon animal. If'n he's not busy then he can lead the roundup himself. It would be nice if everyone just pitched in and walked the cart to it's corral. It's the right thing to do. Don't be one of those shopping cart clowns unless it's in your job description.


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