Friday, May 11, 2007

Daily dose of Grumpy

I have noticed a few folks that come to the site nearly every day and I feel a bit guilty that I ain't been giving y'all new material anywhere near that often. I'm gonna try to come up with something a bit more regular. Pass me the bloggin fiber, or maybe something to put the meta in metamucil. Not even sure what meta means, but I know it's something computin' related. Well now, back to topic, I didn't want to be too redundant because many times the things that tick me off, are the same kinds of things day in and day out, but maybe a bit of Grumpy in your glass might help everyone.

Well, for the first installment I wanted to mention a bit of misplaced grumpiness. The underlying cause is still there because its a matter of mismanagement, but the folks that got my hackles up weren't really to blame. Went to get a cup of coffee. First off, we tried to use the drive-up window. We waited and we waited, no answer so we went in and the folks behind the counter took the Missus and my order. Then the gal just disappeared. Seems she was having a conversation with someone in the back so the other gal came up with one of our drinks, but didn't know about the other. We had now been at this for near about 15 minutes and I was startin' to get peeved. Well the first gal came back and finished up the order and we then found out the problem. Seems they were the opening crew and this was now about 4:00 in the afternoon. The relief crew didn't show up and they'd been there all day and to top it off, the drive-through was broken and store policy didn't allow them to put a sign to announce it either. I felt a little guilty that I was gettin' hot under the collar at those gals who were having a much worse day than I was. So maybe next time people seem to be goofin off or screwing up, maybe it ain't that at all. Even an old codger like me learned a little something yesterday.


Blogger luckytop said...

I think that we all misplace blame at times, but whoever is on the front lines is the one who often suffers the brunt of our frustration. When I get frustrated at a store, and I know that the blame does not lie with the persons on the front lines, I often just put down what I was trying to purchase and walk out of the store. I figure that's better than taking out my gripes with the management on the poor peon that can't change the situation. I had to do this at Lowe's the other day. They might just as well remove all those cash register checkouts that they never staff and just keep one, since that seems to be all they have staff for. Finally an assistant manager opened up another register, but instead of asking for the next person waiting in line, he checks out the johnny-come-lately who is the fastest to come running up. Us poor slobs who had been waiting for 15 minutes just had to continue to wait! I put down my items and walked out.

14 May, 2007 13:55  

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