Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid

I think it was John Wayne that said that. Ain't it the truth? If we all just stopped to think for a second, I'm pretty sure we'd find that life would be a lot easier. I want to expand on that idea though and say that being stupid doesn't just make your own life hard, it makes it harder on everyone. Sure missing your turn-off because you're yapping on the cellphone is gonna add some time to your drive, but now as you poke along looking for the best place to turn around or slam on your brakes or whatever, the rest of us are drawn into your chaos. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just talking stupid as in a lack of intelligence, I'm talking stupid as in distracted, or thoughtless, or anything where we lack thought or forgo a pause to think about what we're doing and the consequences it might have. And we're all guilty of it. It's is like a black hole, a vortex of idiocy that draws in everything around it. So, in other words Stupidity Sucks. The dominoes of dumbness. Whatever you want to call it.

We could all stand to put just a bit more thought into our life and maybe it wouldn't seem so tough.


Blogger Dave said...

Wow, a kindred spirit your blog even looks like mine. Please visit and tell your freinds. Looking forwrd to reading your other posts.


21 March, 2007 17:37  

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