Friday, March 09, 2007

Why all the hubub bub?

Over at the Seminole Heights blog there's quite the stir about the recent election. The worms have been coming out of the woodwork venting their poison. I understand folks getting antsy about Joe Redner. He is definitely a controversial fella. His sordid past and questionable business might make folks a little squirmy. What I don't get is why folks are so nasty to one another and can't get along and discuss it like the adults we are all supposed to be. Jeff Harmon had some valid points against Joe and some others had some valid reasons in support of Mr. Redner. Those kinds of comments make people sitting the fence think about it and might even help make up their minds. Personal attacks against Randy, and calling folks juvenile for even considering voting for Joe, that's the way to sway 'em to your point of view. Get a grip people. Hell, I figure if he can get folks to the polls either for or against him, then he's done a good thing. 15% turnout, my Lord. 85% of the city should positively be ashamed of themselves.


Blogger Vox Populi said...

Well, Grumpy .. you know what they say.

It's not who votes but HOW they're counted. Ask Buddy Johnson about that.

14 March, 2007 10:00  

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