Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hot for teacher

Over on Sticks of Fire there's a post:Teacher's Pet

Seems like a blogger has got herself at the center of a minor ruckus for showing a little bit of skin on her blog. I guess a few folks got a bit steamed at the fact that she's "half-nude" or something like that. We live in America where folks have lots of rights of free expression, and Mrs. Robinson certainly has every right to put whatever she wants on her blog. I don't think the photo does anything but establish her as a human being with a life outside of the classroom which is more than OK. But that is just my opinion.
However, I think that saying that it is completely isolated from her job as a teacher is mistaken, if not naive. What she puts up there for the world to see reflects directly on her, and her position as an educator and role model. If an educator was, for instance, posting messages of hate, I would assume that someone would certainly see that what they do outside of the classroom matters. Not only that when you work for tax dollars the taxpayers opinion does matter as well.
That being said, I would hope that if someone has a problem with anything their child sees on the news or Internet, they use it as an opportunity to guide their child. If you're going to get up in arms about something, I'd say the glorification of plastic surgery on prior entries is much more "dangerous" to a developing youth than showing a little leg. To those in the other camp, no matter how hard you try to parent, our children are exposed to lots of things outside of our control, so the answer isn't always "Be a better parent and monitor what your kid does." While there are certainly busybodies involved as well, I'd be that some of the parents in arms about this most likely do have what they feel is their child's best interest in mind. Use of colloquial insults by both sides only demeans the participants and is in poor taste.


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