Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Filthy creatures

This is gonna be short, but I just have to say something. What is it with people who think of the world as one big landfill? I was behind these folks on East Hillsborough the other day, and out the window flies a full MacDonald's bag of trash, the cup followed soon after. The filthy beasts, is it so hard to find a proper place to dispose of your garbage? I would hate to see what these yahoo's home looks like. And another thing whats with those folks that put their garbage cans out three days before pickup and then leave them out empty the rest of the week? In my travels I've seen some places where the street looks like every day is trash day. New York was like that last time I was there. We don't need our neighborhood to follow that path. Just take it out the evening before and drag it back in the following day, is that so difficult? If you noticed, I've refrained from calling the folks above animals, didn't want to insult them, the animals that is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally as far as the garbage cans go. Regarding the trash, let me say that part of my job is to keep a parking garage in good order, and I see people dumping trash out of their cars into the garage every day. They literally clean out their cars and throw it all down next to their cars! Trash cans are just a few steps away, but they are too lazy to use them. To me, the worst offenders of all the litterers are cigarette smokers. They seem to feel that they have a right to throw the packaging and butts down anywhere.

10 January, 2007 12:46  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the cigarette smokers. 90 percent of them think they have the right to dispose of their butts anywhere. My mom will come to my house and smoke outside and then leave her cigarette butt for me to dispose. She has some freaking nerve. First I don't want her smoking around my house but then to leave your cigarette butt for me to dispose, it makes me want to put something up her butt.

11 January, 2007 13:02  

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