Monday, February 05, 2007

Here be dragons

The wife of an acquaintance was recently diagnosed with cancer. The prognosis isn't so good. The daughter of a close friend of the family recently took her last breath, another victim of the dreaded "C" monsters. Every year more and more names I know are added to that roll to be called up yonder. Here now in the evening I find myself thinking more and more about how I might face those days I start strolling down that long dark hallway. I wonder, do I want to know when it's comin' or do I want the reaper to skulk upon me and snatch me while I ain't looking?
Well now if it's the latter, then who cares right. Ain't nothing left to wonder or worry. It's just done. However, if I know it's comin', if I hear something like those dreadful doctor's words "I'm afraid it's malignant," will I face it with quiet dignity or mentally thrash about in denial and rage? I reckon I just won't know until my pirogue puts into that port.
I think it will be sort of comforting if I'm given enough time on this here rock. I'm not ready to go just yet, but I think in time I will be. I've lived a hell of life so far, and there's a lot left to live. But we all gotta ship out one day. So I've just been a wondering.
I like to think that I can maintain a dignified grace. Sort of like I imagine the Man in Black must have had, when I listen to those tunes of his written there in the dusk of his days. The voyage of life, even with the swiftest of winds and the smoothest following sea, is a tiring one and as good as it might be, eventually, we're all just going to wear out. When the time comes, none too soon I hope, and I close my eyes to take that final dirt nap, I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to rest. So folks, when that dark tide starts rising, and the ferryman gets close to shore. Yes sir, I think I'll wade out to meet him with a handshake and a howdy. Until then, I guess y'all are just stuck with old Grumpy for a while.


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