Friday, July 27, 2007

Nothing good happens after 2am

Unlike a lot of folks, I reckon you could say I'm a morning person. I get up bright and early even on my days off. So, I might be a bit biased when I say this. Nothing good happens after 2am. I'm inclined to say not even after midnight, but bars 'round these parts keep the party going until a bit later than that, and I ain't one to rain on y'alls parade. What I mean though, is in the wee hours after normal folks wind down, the rest of the yahoos are usually up to no good, when they ought to be home sleeping. A good many folks driving around are drunk, so watch out for them. Other folks are plenty well-juiced and often looking to reaffirm their manhood or something and go looking for fights. Closing time love leads to all sorts of morning-after coyote getaways. The criminals often do their best work at night. I even read in Reader's Digest about how if you're in the hospital you're much more likely to kick the bucket overnight than during the day. Though there are all sorts of explanations, the end conclusion is the same. Even the hooker-looker hits on this here blog spike between midnight and 5am. The list goes on and on. Like I said, nothing good happens after 2am, so why don't folks go home and go to bed.


Blogger luckytop said...

I agree with you Grumpy. I feel sympathy for folks out late with a legitimate purpose and they end up a victim of a drunken driver, crime, etc. When I say legitimate, I mean such things as driving to/from work, returning home from a trip or social event, or some other "necessary" reason to be out late. Now don't get me wrong, I used to be one of those folks who closed the bars on Saturday night, but those wild oats have been sewn, and now I am over it. Luckily, I was never involved in any negative circumstances as a result of being out late carousing, but that was only the luck of the draw. I am amazed how the border streets around my own neighborhood transform after dark, let alone 2 am; the "roaches" come crawling out from under rocks where they have been hiding all day, and that is when trouble starts. I have seen drugs, prostitution, etc. in areas that really aren't bad during daylight hours. I say, stay at home after dark unless you have to go out!

30 July, 2007 07:44  
Blogger Coel said...

I mean Like...DUH...quite true.

02 August, 2007 07:43  
Anonymous Killacktron said...

The vast majority of crime is committed during the day - and is done by businessmen. The paranoid, middleclass belief that things magically turn from your idealized 50's world into a combat zone after 2am is based on fear...probably handed down to you from your parents.

I happen to work that shift. I find it to be one of the most rediculous prejudices to dislike a time of day.

Thank you so much for wasting my time.

14 March, 2010 08:54  

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