Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Right rudder, engines all stop

This is a little story about a phenomenon I see all too often round these parts. Can anyone tell me why folks seem to feel that they must come to a complete stop to turn right? Where was that in the manual, cause I sure didn't read that part. Thing is, they don't do it all at once either, they fool you with that gradual slowing down into the turn then when they're forty-five degrees to the roadway with their buttend still in the lane, it's Scotty, engines all stop. Those of us behind then start the dominoing of brake lights before the reject decides to push the accelerator and clears the lane. Is there a rule somewhere that says you must apply brake fully before releasing the pedal to resume travel? Unless there is a hazard, it's decelerate into the turn, accelerate out of it. No stopping required. Guess it's a good thing my car doesn't have photon torpedoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its probably some sort of code for get off my ass?

08 August, 2007 09:44  
Blogger Grumpy said...

Now sonny, I respect some folks have personal envelopes that might be a bit larger than others. But holy hell, we're talking several car lengths to over a quarter block and the dingbat still ain't made the turn. Tailgatin' is what Grumpy does at football games not in traffic, friend. Y'all come back now ya here.

08 August, 2007 09:57  

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