Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I like my votin' like I like my lovin', in and out and done in just a few minutes

I hope the machine got my choices right, and that they get put into the system right, and that they actually get counted. It was a hard year this year, I normally vote Republican, but this year I found myself picking the other guy more than ever. Truth be told, Bill Nelson seemed like a pretty good choice even if he was a Dem, but compared to Kooky Harris, that one was a no-brainer. I tell you what, there ain't no excuse for not votin' nowadays, I was in and out in a matter of minutes, almost as quick as Mrs Grumpy and me on our special night every coupla months. Now don't tell her I said that, I'll get a smack upside the head. But my point is, it's easy you can vote darn near anywhere in town and it only takes a few minutes. Just get out there and let your voice be heard, and just check that machine isn't changing your vote before you say OK.


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