Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pucker up, Fred

Now, I have to say that when I first heard about Fred Thompson, that he might be running for the Oval Office I was quite intrigued. I liked what he was standing for on most issues. Now I'm startin' to get disappointed. As my Granny used to say. It's time for Fred to "Either Shit or get off the pot." I thought he was a straight-shooter, but now he's coming across as a waffler to me. Grow a pair, man. Declare or move along. I reckon I can't be the only one who's getting a bit turned-off by this lack of commitment. It's just like a shy fella on his first date. He knows the gal wants him to kiss her, but he keeps hemmin and hawin, hinting around wanting her to say so without him actually asking or making the first move. Most of us have been there, only to find out we would've been better off to start smooching long before her pappy turned on the porch light. Fred, don't let the porch light catch you before you make a move, pucker-up man, pucker up.


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