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I read about that reality tv show they were putting on over in the Netherlands and just shook my head. I'm happy it turned out to be a hoax, but it sort of makes you wonder. People took it so seriously, you gotta figure it won't be long before someone pushes good taste that far. I was pretty disgusted by the Jerry Springer show when it was masquerading as real people at their worst, then with the reality tv shows that followed, to see just how far people were willing to go for a few bucks and some camera time, really turned my stomach. I hope reality tv comes full circle one day, and we have a reality tv show made up of reality tv producers competing to get their show aired. Only instead of getting voted off the island they're tarred and feathered and banished to a mud hut far away from any place. Maybe send them to Guantanamo or some other such fitting punishment. Or better yet, in honor of the Dutch hoax the losers all have to donate some organ(obviously not the brain since that would be a downgrade for any recipient) right then and there. Surgeons will be standing by each episode. Maybe then those parasites could actually contribute something to society. That just might be some must see tv.
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